You will see much less text from me frorm here on out…..perhaps a likely relief for some! For those who followed this blog when it was close to real time, as in last summer, you know that it remained unfinished despite my best intentions to complete it when we returned home. The tyranny of the urgent stole my time and attention the moment our plane touched down & it's been one of many items on my list that I've hoped to accomplish! I write this and am (slowly) uploading photos as our family is actually on our US history & government tour on the east coast……I'm dying to get those pics out in a blog as we're having a fantastic time & I can't wait to share!! Turns out I'm just type A enough however that it kinda kills me to let blogs get out of chronological order, so I'm cramming to basically complete Europe enough, so that I can get to real time before too many more days of our east coast adventure gets away from me!! I'm not blog savvy enough to figure out how to put one subject on hold, blog about something else for awhile, & then return to it with pages slipped into the properly dated sections……….SO, that means I'm making up for lost time, and hopefully soon, I will be able to share where we are now!!
Until then, vicariously enjoy the remainder of Miss Schroeder's British Isle's tour - grab a cup of tea, pull your monitor a little closer, and enjoy the travel!
Wish I could repeat some of what students were discussing and learning right here - they had fantastic conversations facilitated quite thought-fully by Kiernan at every turn of this experience!
Prospective student in the making?!!!
No trip to Oxford is complete without a stop in at the "Eagle and Child" where the famous troop of writers,
The Inklings would gather to hash out paragraphs, books and ideas. Really a wonderfully satisfying experience to walk where these great minds tread!
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